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Great work environment onboard the vessels

Great work environment onboard the vessels

What is it like to be an ROV-pilot on an offshore vessel?

What is it like to be an ROV-pilot on an offshore vessel? Kristoffer’s journey started as an apprentice in DOF and he now works as an ROV-pilot.

An ROV – pilot operates a remote operated underwater vehicle that is used for various underwater operations. It can be used for anything from mapping the seabed, installing various modules or performing inspection or maintenance of what is already down below on the seabed. The ROV is on deck when it is not down below. The job is then to do the repairs, maintenance and configuration on it using various tools. 

Kristoffer believes that this profession is well suited for anyone who likes travelling around the world, who enjoys working in a team and has technical experience. ROV pilots works on a rotation and in DOF we have different and varied rotations.

"Through my job, I have been able to see most of the world. I have travelled to many places along the coast of Norway,  UK, Denmark, different places in the Mediterranean Sea, West-Africa and Australia."

Kristoffer says that in many ways, being an ROV-pilot is a lifestyle. You are away for extended periods of time, but you also have long periods of free time. When you are working, you are completely focused and switched on and when you are at home you can enjoy the time off.

“I have chosen to remain with DOF mainly because of the people I work with. I have great colleagues and there is a great atmosphere onboard the vessels. We enjoy working together”.

Opportunities to grow

Opportunities to grow

DOF has given me an opportunity to grow and try different things.

Pierre Kuma, an experienced Project Engineer, speaks about the many opportunities in DOF.

Pierre has been a part of DOF since 2018, and in 2022, he was selected to participate in the company's "Ambassador Programme." This 12-month program is designed to identify and develop talent and leadership from within the organisation. While ambassadors are typically selected to represent an organisation, DOF takes it to the next level. The program is aimed at providing employees with a structured professional development opportunity to advance their careers. It is a unique chance for individuals to expand their skillset, knowledge, and collaboration abilities across various functions and regions within DOF.

One of the great things about working in DOF is that it’s given me an opportunity to grow and try different things. There are a lot of interesting places one can go. There is also a lot of flexibility in DOF which makes you more adaptable. But the biggest thing I like about DOF is that there is an atmosphere to make it OK to ask for help.

Playing a part in a changing industry

Playing a part in a changing industry

From student to Commercial Specialist.

Meet Sara, a Commercial Specialist from a little island just outside Bergen.

Sara kicked-off her career as a maritime trainee in DOF, having completed her Master’s degree in industrial economics and technology management from NTNU.

“There was a degree of skepticism surrounding the offshore industry when I first started studying maritime technology, due to a recent oil and gas downturn. However, now there are so many new and innovative developments taking place in the offshore sector, I am excited to be a part of it!”

The ocean is where it’s happening.

Growing up on a little island just outside Bergen, on the coast of Norway called Turøy, Sara has always had an interest in the ocean. Becoming a maritime trainee, Sara’s confidence in learning more about the offshore industry proved well founded.

Sara’s first assignment was with DOF’s Vessel Chartering team.  Her second was project engineer in the subsea and renewables team. The timing was perfect, as DOF was involved in the installation of the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm, Equinor’s Hywind Tampen.

“Being part of the transition to renewable energy is great fun – we are making the vessels greener and delivering renewable survey and construction projects. I get to experience many different aspects of the job and meet people with diverse backgrounds.   Also, having the opportunity to not only partake in various tasks, but also to shape projects is truly rewarding".
Sara was officially crowned Godmother to one of the turbines on the Hywind Tampen field.

From Graduate to Godmother .

After the last turbine on Equinor’s Hywind Tampen project was assembled and installed, Sara was officially crowned Godmother to one of the turbines. A proud moment Sara says she will never forget. And dare we say, a proud moment for DOF, as our team help build a greener future.

On completing the 18-month-long maritime trainee program, Sara was happy to accept a permanent position with DOF as a Commercial Specialist.

Convinced this is a career with a fantastic future, Sara says:

“I’m happy to have found a job where I get to be part of the transition to renewable energy. DOF’s track record and extensive experience from the conventional energy sector is a huge advantage in the floating offshore wind market as we use the same vessels, experience, and general “know-how”, just in a different market”.
Our integrity distinguish us from other workplaces

Our integrity distinguish us from other workplaces

Great opportunities to explore different career paths.

There is a deep sense of belonging among those who work at sea and those who work on land.

"Our integrity and unity are what distinguish us from other workplaces. There is a deep sense of belonging among those who work at sea and those who work on land," says Renate Hvidevoll Ek.

Since she was young, Renate has had a connection to the sea. She grew up in an island community and spent a lot of time aboard various boats with her grandfather.

She has worked at DOF for several decades and first had contact with the company at the age of 16 when she began working on a boat named Skandi Beta. After a period away from DOF, she returned in 2002 and has since worked both on board the ships and on land.

"Working at DOF provides good opportunities to explore different career paths. However, it requires courage to seize the opportunities when they arise," she says.

Renate herself has experienced being nervous about stepping into a new role. After working at sea for a few years, she took on a position as a crew manager. It was an opportunity she was grateful for but still found daunting. Now she was going to be the leader for the captains.

"I worried about whether I had taken on too much. Now I was going to lead those who had led me for all those years," Renate explains.

However, she found that the significant transition went better than expected. Today, Renate works as an Operations Manager.

"Several of our captains have been incredible supporters and have provided me with valuable feedback. As an Operations Manager, I, along with the rest of the team, get to influence the work we do for the customer and make important decisions."
From sea to land

From sea to land

Climbing the ranks from apprentice to Vessel Superintendent

Kristian has worked at DOF for almost 20 years. Although DOF has its roots in Austevoll, a small island outside of Bergen, the company's influence and opportunities extend far beyond Norway's borders. As a global player, DOF allows employees from all corners of the world to apply and work in the company, regardless of their geographical origin. For Kristian however, the start of his journey with DOF was associated with the local roots of DOF.

"My career in DOF has been progressive. I started as an apprentice, completed my technical education, and over time, I climbed the ranks. In 2019, I transitioned to working onshore," Kristian says.

Nearly 20 years later, he remains very satisfied with his choice. He views DOF as a stable and supportive player in his career.

"DOF has always shown me trust and provided opportunities to advance in the company, from my time as an apprentice to the role of chief engineer. Now, in the position of Vessel Superintendent onshore, I focus more on administration, logistics, and coordination, serving as a link, as opposed to earlier when I worked directly with machinery on board the vessels".

Kristian believes in the importance of facilitating effective collaboration every day among people with diverse cultures.

"DOF offers an incredible range of opportunities. You can always find a niche, whether it's locally in the North Sea or in more distant regions".